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Serving the community for 34 years

Community based Preschool and Early Learning Centre based in Wallsend

Merindah Children’s Centre is a community based Preschool and Early Learning Centre based in Wallsend. The service was established in 1991 and has a long history of high quality care and education in the Wallsend community.

At Merindah Children’s Centre we take pride that we are the only Wallsend community based Early Learning and Preschool long day care service. As a ‘not for profit’ organisation we continually reinvest into the service to provide the best possible outcomes for our community at the highest awarded standard.

Currently lead by five highly qualified university trained teachers and dynamic diploma qualified educators, the educational curriculum is meaningful and evolving. Additionally, our curriculum has been rated at the highest possible standard of ‘Exceeding’ by the Department of Education.

At Merindah Children’s Centre we are proud to have been awarded ‘Exceeding’ in all 7 areas of the National Quality Standards: the highest possible award in quality standards for Australian Early Childhood Education and Care.